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sexysexPalomi's Private Page



I am: Woman

Seeking a: Man

Age: 36



Body Type: Slim

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Status: Single

Occupation: Food Processing

In My Own Words:

Say hello to my pussy! 😀 I know how to make a guy cum with the minimum amount of effort! LOL! Not saying I’m lazy in bed but I’m just saying that I am that good in bed! 😀 But to be honest it really helps a lot if a girl knows a man’s secret sweet spot. I know them and once I learned all of those spots like the back of my hand now! LOL! 😀 And I must say it made the sex so much more fun for me and much more enjoyable for the guy I end up with. Although that was barely possible! LOL! I was at least pretty good at the lovemaking act but once you learn all the right moves its gets even better! xx

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