Shellyfukme's Private Page
I am: Woman
Seeking a: Man
Age: 37
Body Type: Voluptuous
Ethnicity: Latina
Status: Single
Occupation: Swimsuit Model
In My Own Words:
I’d spread your lips with my fingers and gently touch the tip of my tongue to your tight wet hole, quickly pullng back and watching my trail of spit mix with your beading precum to form a trail from my mouth to your expecting pussy! I’d lick it again, this time clamping my lips around your throbbing clit, sucking on it lightly and then harder for a split second before backing off and looking into your eyes, licking my lower lip clean of your sweet pussy juice! I lower my mouth to your sopping wet pussy, collecting in the bowl of my tongue as much of you as I can before returning to your mouth and allowing you to taste yourself as it drips onto your tastebuds!